ShortFilm ==> THE NEW YORK HUSTLE @ NICKODEMUS (Nyc) - 30 oct 2014


 Gorka Taupa as Deno - 4:15 / 4:15


"luigi and the new york hustle" part 5 in the ongoing series… filmed & directed by Nico & Lamira written & edited & by Nico BIG THANKS to MOM for the BIKE! starring Fidel & Jai as The Broome Street Boys, Nickodemus as Luigi, Tony as Tony, Gorka as Deno, Zoltar as the Oracle. music: "Let's Have a Pizza Party" by The Gaylords "Egyptian Strut, Oriental Mood & Kleopatra" by Salah Ragab & The Cairo Jazz Band "Malletoba & Red Garter" by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra "Mahzel" by The Ravens
