El colectivo musical de Iruña Tremendo Surco presenta… ¡¡ MAMBO FANGO !!
Budin e IñakiSan DJ's a los vinilos de melodías de los años 50.
Mambo Fango is the tropical side of Tremendo Surco collective, the vibe that makes you dance careless anywere you want, we play only vinyls and specially sounds from the 50´s alike. Calypso, R&B, Rock and Roll, chachachá, exótica, popcorn, mambo and old sounds from anywere in the globe.
We are based in Pamplona, Spain, but played everywere in the world like Donostia, Barañain, Bilbao, Gasteiz and more.
funk mambo calypso boogaloo R&B '50s