Short-Film ==> 'FOR THE GOOD TIMES' @ ANDRÉS DANIEL SAINZ; Vidania Films - APR 2017 < director producción >

Trailer 1

Trailer 1


El día del cumpleaños del patriarca de la familia, uno de los hijos decide salir del armario y poner a prueba la tolerancia de los suyos. Pero las sorpresas que este tiene reservadas no terminan ahí. 

On the birthday of the patriarch of the family, one of his sons decides to come out of the closet and test the tolerance of his nearest and dearest. But the surprises that he has up his sleeve do not end there.

FESCIGU 2018: For the good times

For the Good Times (Short 2017) - IMDb

Cortometraje 'FOR THE GOOD TIMES' Andrés Daniel Sainz

Director: Andrés Daniel Sainz
D.O.P.: Gonzalo 'Kalo' Berridi
Productora: Vidania Films (Donostia)